The Capability Development Grant (CDG) is a government grant that aims to support SMEs to scale up business capabilities and ensure business sustainability.
The Capability Development Grant (CDG) aims to support SMEs to scale up business capabilities and ensure business sustainability.
You can take on projects in areas like product development, human capital development, business processes enhancements for productivity and business model transformation.
The grant defrays up to 70 percent* of qualifying project costs such as consultancy, training, certification and equipment costs.
Case Study : Software + Consultancy
Peter has a commercial vehicle repair workshop that has 3 branches in Singapore. The company has close to 30 workers that work at various job sites to carry out various repair work on the vehicles.
There are a few managers who will allocate work to the workers according to their skill set and the level of difficulty. Seeing that there can be an increase in the productivity levels across the company, Peter has taken the decision to upgrade their HR Management Software in order to better manage the employees’ record and data, and to tackle many HR issues.
The new software will help him to enhance productivity as allocation of work is more efficient, and they are able to track their workers in terms of their performance. The reporting functions, together with the streamlining of data, payroll management and other aspects of HR helped to move the organization forward as their processes were digitalized.
In the meantime, costs were reduced and data was integrated into one system, resulting in less paperwork.
Besides the software, they purchased a Consultancy Package that included a Business Diagnosis and Service Improvement audit, in which we helped them identify issues in the operations of the business and to help them achieve organizational goals.
The Capability Development Grant (CDG) defrays up to 70 percent* of qualifying project cost in the project.
If your consultancy project is $5,000, this means you only pay 30% of it, which is $1,500!
We can be confident because our clients have received their grant approvals.
We have seen the improvements made to our customers’ business.
Seek advise from our professional consultant now.